Rの正規表現 のバックアップ(No.1) - アールメカブ


Rの正規表現 のバックアップ(No.1)

### install.packages("gsubfn") install.packages("proto") library("gsubfn") demo("gsubfn-gries")

### Examples

grep("[a-z]", letters)

txt <- c("arm","foot","lefroo", "bafoobar") if(any(i <- grep("foo",txt)))

  cat("'foo' appears at least once in\n\t",txt,"\n")

i # 2 and 4 txt[i]

jp.txt <- c("石田和枝","石田基広","山田太郎") j <- grep("石田",jp.txt) jp.txt[j]

## Double all 'a' or 'b's; "\" must be escaped, i.e., 'doubled' gsub("([ab])", "\\1_\\1_", "abc and ABC")

## aかbがあれば,それをアンダーバーでつなげて二重化する

# \\1 は perl での $1に対応 gsub("([ab])", "\\$1_\\$1_", "abc and ABC", perl = TRUE)

# Warning message:

# perl=TRUE は UTF-8 ロケールに対してのみ完全実装されています

gsub("[山]", "石", "山田太郎")

txt <- c("The", "licenses", "for", "most", "software", "are",

 "designed", "to", "take", "away", "your", "freedom",
 "to", "share", "and", "change", "it.",
  "", "By", "contrast,", "the", "GNU", "General", "Public", "License",
  "is", "intended", "to", "guarantee", "your", "freedom", "to",
  "share", "and", "change", "free", "software", "--",
  "to", "make", "sure", "the", "software", "is",
  "free", "for", "all", "its", "users")

( i <- grep("[gu]", txt) ) # indices stopifnot( txt[i] == grep("[gu]", txt, value = TRUE) )

## Note that in locales such as en_US this includes B as the

## collation order is aAbBcCdEe? ... (ot <- sub("[b-e]",".", txt)) txt[ot != gsub("[b-e]",".", txt)]#- gsub does "global" substitution

txt[gsub("g","#", txt) !=

   gsub("g","#", txt, ignore.case = TRUE)] # the "G" words

regexpr("en", txt)

gregexpr("e", txt)

## trim trailing white space str.test <- 'Now is the time ' sub(' +$', '', str.test) ## spaces only sub(':space:?+$', '', str.test) ## white space, POSIX-style sub('\\s+$', '', str, perl = TRUE) ## Perl-style white space

## capitalizing gsub("(\\w)(\\w*)", "\\U\\1\\L\\2", "a test of capitalizing", perl=TRUE) gsub("\\b(\\w)", "\\U\\1", "a test of capitalizing", perl=TRUE)

install.packages("cba") install.packages("filehash") install.packages("XML") install.packages("rJava") install.packages("RWeka") install.packages("Snowball") install.packages("tm") install.packages("gsubfn")

install.packages("Rstem", repos = "http://www.omegahat.org/R",type = "source")

########## gsubfn

## http://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Descriptions/gsubfn.html library(gsubfn)

# s <- "abc 10:20 def 30:40 50" gsubfn("([0-9]+):([0-9]+)", ~as.numeric(x) + as.numeric(y), s, backref = -2) gsubfn("([0-9]+):([0-9]+)", ~as.numeric(x) + as.numeric(y), s)

# gsubfn("([0-9]+):([0-9]+)", ~as.numeric(x) + as.numeric(y), s, backref = 2)

# demo("gsubfn-si")

dat <- c("3.5G", "88P", "19") gsubfn("[MGP]$", ~c(M = "e6", G = "e9", P = "e12")x?, dat)

p <- proto(fun = function(this, x) paste0(x, "{", count, "}"))

## count については ?paste0 を見よ class(p)


with(p, fun)

s <- c("the dog and the cat are in the house", "x y x") gsubfn("\\w+", p, s)

##### Rwiki での関数 proto の説明 x <- matrix(1:25,5) # 説明用のオブジェクト x incrb <- function(y) y[,1] <- y[,1]+1 incrb(x) # 引数をコピーして,コピーに操作を加える x # なのでx は変化しない

incrc <- function(x) {x[,1] <- x[,1]+1; return(x)} # 変更した x のコピーを返す x <- incrc(x) # x -> x のコピー -> x という順序で x が変更される x # 変更後

############## prt <- proto(mat = matrix(1:25, 5)) ls(prt) prt$mat incr <- function(x) with(x, mat[,1] <- mat[,1] + 1)# テスト用関数、一見終了後は何も変化は無いように見える incr(prt)# proto オブジェクト p に関数 incr を実行 prt$mat# p の mat 成分が何時の間にか変更されている!

cut.x <- as.character(cut(seq(1, 100), 5)) colMeans(strapply(cut.x, "[^][(),]+", as.numeric, simplify = TRUE))

fn$lapply(list(1:4, 1:5), ~LETTERS[x])

### 正規表現を使って区間をいじる ## 代表値の作成 library(gsubfn)

freq.dat <- read.table("/home/ishida/research/Tex/paper/p2006/Altmann/negativeB/data3/newspan3/aitobi3.span3.dat")

freq.table <- table( factor(cut(freq.dat$V1, breaks= seq(0, max(freq.dat)+3, 3)))) freq.lab <- labels(table( factor(cut(freq.dat$V1, breaks= seq(0, max(freq.dat)+3, 3)))))1? as.numeric(freq.lab)

freq.matrix <- strapply(freq.lab, "[^][(),]+", as.numeric, simplify = TRUE)

freq.repr <- numeric( ncol(freq.matrix)) for(i in 0:ncol(freq.matrix)){

# print(freq.matrix[2,i] - 1)

 freq.repr[i] <- floor((freq.matrix[2,i] - 1) / 3  )


data.frame(repr = freq.repr, freq = as.numeric(freq.table))

     out.file3 <- paste(out.dir, "newspan3/", text.text, data.ext, ".span3", sep = "") # 区間幅 3
     freq.span <-  as.numeric(dimnames(table(buntyo))[[1]])
     write.table(table( factor(cut(buntyo$V1, breaks= seq(0, max(buntyo)+3, 3)))), file = out.file3, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
     system(paste("./altmann3.pl", out.file3))
      system(paste("rm",  out.file3))
     system(paste("qkc -m -s ", out.file3, ".dat", sep=""))

library(Rstem) getStemLanguages?()

gesetz <- readLines("/home/ishida/research/Tex/paper/p2007/bsj/vorDemGesezt?.txt") length(gesetz)

gesetz <- fifo("/home/ishida/research/Tex/paper/p2007/bsj/vorDemGesezt?.txt")

wordStem(gesetz[5], language = "german")

gesetz <- file("/home/ishida/research/Tex/paper/p2007/bsj/vorDemGesezt?.txt") close(gesetz) readChar(gesetz[5])

wordStem("this was a pen", lang = "english") wordStem(c("these", "are", "books"), lang = "english") wordStem(c("He", "liked", "apples"), lang = "english") wordStem(c("win", "winning", 'winner'))

wordStem(c("Er", "liest", "das", "Buch"), language = "german")

## test fixed-length strings
    zz <- file("testchar", "wb")
    x <- c("a", "this will be truncated", "abc")
    nc <- c(3, 10, 3)
    zz <- file("testchar", "rb")
    readChar(gesetz, nc)
    readChar(zz, nchar(x)+3) # need to read the terminator explicitly

# system.file() gsub()

alice <- "Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do" z <- unlist(strsplit(alice, split =" ")) length(z)

strsplit(alice, split = c(" ",",")) strsplit(alice, split = (" , ")) con <- file("test.txt")

# open(con) for(i in 1:4) {

 x <- readLines(con, n=1)
 if(length(x)> 0){

} close(con)

# con <- file("test.txt")


con <- file("test.txt") open(con)

z <- 1 while(z){

 x <- readLines(con, n=1)
 if(length(x)> 0){
   z <- 0



con <- file("test.txt") open(con) while(1){

 x <- readLines(con, n=1)
 if(length(x)> 0){

} close(con)

### 読み込むたびにスペースで区切る con <- file("test.txt") open(con) while(1){

 x <- readLines(con, n=1)
 if(length(x)> 0){
   z <- unlist(strsplit(x, " "))
   for(j in 1:length(z)){

} close(con)

### 読み込むたびに stemming する con <- file("test.txt") open(con) while(1){

 x <- readLines(con, n=1)
 if(length(x) == 0 || x == ""){
   x <-  gsub("\\.|\\,|\\?|\\!", "",  x)
   if(length(x)> 0 ){
     z <- unlist(strsplit(x, " "))
     for(j in 1:length(z)){
       cat(wordStem(z[j], lang = "english"), "\n")

} close(con)

s <- "These books are good. Our dogs, are, pretty. Oh! my gods!?"

s <- gsub("\\.|\\,|\\?|\\!", "", s) strsplit(s, " ")

# if(as.logical(s) != NA) print("NA") s <- "" length(s) if(s == "") print ("empty")

x <- rpois(100, lam = 5)# いい加減な乱数で table(cut(x, breaks = seq(0, max(x), 3)))# 頻度表を作る table(cut(x, breaks = seq(0, max(x), 3), labels = F)) prop.table(cut(x, breaks = seq(0, max(x), 3)))# as.numeric(noquote(labels(table(cut(x, breaks = seq(0, max(x), 3)))))1?)

x <- c(1,1,1,1,2, 5,5,5, 6,6) table(cut(x, breaks = 0:max(x))) table(cut(x, breaks = 0:max(x), lab = F))# 頻度表を作る as.numeric(labels(table(cut(x, breaks = 0:max(x), lab = F)))1?) table(cut(x, breaks = 0:max(x), lab = 0:max(x)))# 頻度表を作る