総称関数で,たとえば print は以下のように多数ある.
> methods(print) [1] print.acf* [2] print.anova [3] print.aov*
アスタリスクが付いているメソッドは,関数を直接確認できないことがある.namespase が分かれば :: を使って
> TukeyHSD function (x, which, ordered = FALSE, conf.level = 0.95, ...) UseMethod("TukeyHSD") <bytecode: 0x24d9e08> <environment: namespace:stats> > stats::TukeyHSD function (x, which, ordered = FALSE, conf.level = 0.95, ...) UseMethod("TukeyHSD") <bytecode: 0x24d9e08> <environment: namespace:stats>
::: を使うと,関数本体を確認できる
> stats:::print.TukeyHSD function (x, digits = getOption("digits"), ...) { cat(" Tukey multiple comparisons of means\n") cat(" ", format(100 * attr(x, "conf.level"), 2), "% family-wise confidence level\n", sep = "") if (attr(x, "ordered")) cat(" factor levels have been ordered\n") cat("\nFit: ", deparse(attr(x, "orig.call"), 500), "\n\n", sep = "") xx <- unclass(x) attr(xx, "orig.call") <- attr(xx, "conf.level") <- attr(xx, "ordered") <- NULL xx[] <- lapply(xx, function(z, digits) { z[, "p adj"] <- round(z[, "p adj"], digits) z }, digits = digits) print.default(xx, digits, ...) invisible(x) } <bytecode: 0x2700660> <environment: namespace:stats>
getS3method (f = "print", class = "TukeyHSD")