
何度も R-forge あたりからファイル開くのは面倒なので,そのまま貼らしてもらう.

Rcpp_0.9.4 から RcppLdpath.

## make sure system.file returns an absolute path
Rcpp.system.file <- function(...){
tools:::file_path_as_absolute( base:::system.file( ..., package = "Rcpp" ) )

## identifies if the default linking on the platform should be static
## or dynamic. Currently only uses dynamic linking by default
## although it works fine on mac osx as well
staticLinking <- function() {
! grepl( "^linux", .version$os )

## Use 's internal knowledge of path settings to find the lib/ directory
## plus optinally an arch-specific directory on system building multi-arch
RcppLdPath <- function() {
if (nzchar(.Platform$r_arch)) { ## eg amd64, ia64, mips
path <- Rcpp.system.file("lib",.Platform$r_arch)
} else {
path <- Rcpp.system.file("lib")

## Provide linker flags -- i.e. -L/path/to/libRcpp -- as well as an
## optional rpath call needed to tell the dynamic linker about the
## location. This is not needed on OS X where we encode this as library
## built time (see src/Makevars) or Windows where we use a static library
## Updated Jan 2010: We now default to static linking but allow the use
## of rpath on if static==FALSE has been chosen
## Note that this is probably being called from LdFlags()
RcppLdFlags <- function(static=staticLinking()) {
rcppdir <- RcppLdPath()
if (static) { # static is default on Windows and OS X
flags <- paste(rcppdir, "/libRcpp.a", sep="")
#if (.Platform$OS.type=="windows") {
# flags <- shQuote(flags)
} else { # else for dynamic linking
flags <- paste("-L", rcppdir, " -lRcpp", sep="") # baseline setting
if ((.Platform$OS.type == "unix") && # on Linux, we can use rpath to encode path
(length(grep("^linux",.version$os)))) {
flags <- paste(flags, " -Wl,-rpath,", rcppdir, sep="") } } invisible(flags) } # indicates if Rcpp was compiled with GCC >= 4.3
canUseCXX0X <- function() .Call( "canUseCXX0X", PACKAGE = "Rcpp" )

## Provide compiler flags -- i.e. -I/path/to/Rcpp.h
RcppCxxFlags <- function(cxx0x=FALSE) {
# path <- RcppLdPath()
path <- Rcpp.system.file( "include" )
#if (.Platform$OS.type=="windows") {
# path <- shQuote(path)
paste("-I", path, if( cxx0x && canUseCXX0X() ) " -std=c++0x" else "", sep="")

## Shorter names, and call cat() directly
## CxxFlags defaults to no using c++0x extensions are these are considered non-portable
CxxFlags <- function(cxx0x=FALSE) {
## LdFlags defaults to static linking on the non- platforms Windows and OS X
LdFlags <- function(static=staticLinking()) {

# capabilities
RcppCapabilities <- capabilities <- function() .Call("capabilities", PACKAGE = "Rcpp") # compile, load and call the cxx0x.c script to identify whether # the compiler is GCC >= 4.3
RcppCxx0xFlags <- function(){
script <- Rcpp.system.file( "discovery", "cxx0x.R" )
flag <- capture.output( source( script ) )

Cxx0xFlags <- function() cat( RcppCxx0xFlags() )

カテゴリー: R タグ: パーマリンク