古い記事だが に以下のような関数がある
expand.dft <- function(x, na.strings = "NA", = FALSE, dec = ".") { # Take each row in the source data frame table and replicate it # using the Freq value DF <- sapply(1:nrow(x), function(i) x[rep(i, each = x$Freq[i]), ], simplify = FALSE) # Take the above list and rbind it to create a single DF # Also subset the result to eliminate the Freq column DF <- subset("rbind", DF), select = -Freq) # Now apply type.convert to the character coerced factor # columns # to facilitate data type selection for each column DF <-, function(x) type.convert(as.character(x), na.strings = na.strings, =, dec = dec))) # Return data frame DF }
これを応用したのだと思う関数がNCStatsパッケージ の expandTable 関数に実装されている.
> source("") > library(NCStats) > ?NCStats
> expandTable function (x, var.names = NULL, ...) { x <- df <- sapply(1:nrow(x), function(i) x[rep(i, each = x[i, "Freq"]), ], simplify = FALSE) df <- subset("rbind", df), select = -Freq) for (i in 1:ncol(df)) { df[[i]] <- type.convert(as.character(df[[i]]), ...) } rownames(df) <- NULL if (!is.null(var.names)) { if (length(var.names) < dim(df)[2]) stop("Too few var.names given.") else if (length(var.names) > dim(df)[2]) stop("Too many var.names given.") else names(df) <- var.names } df } <environment: namespace:NCStats>
Link: R_old_tips3(2013d)
Last-modified: 2011-03-05 (土) 11:58:44 (5069d)